Our Washer broke last week.
Seeing that it is 20 years old, and we bought it at a garage sale,
I'm not shocked.
But, I had already not done laundry for 2 weeks, because of the craziness of work and final projects.
So, our lovely little washer, decided to break the day I was going to do laundry.
Thanks for that.
Well, while we've been trying to figure out what to do about it.
I ran out of clothes.
and Jamie ran out of clothes.
And we were out of clean towels.
and using our last pair of clean sheets.
So yesterday morning, I got fed up, and decided that we should go to the laundromat, and then buy a new washer this week. So, we took an everyday adventure to the laundromat!
You may think I'm kidding about the volume of laundry, but I have proof. This is every dirty article of clothing in the house, and we took it all to the laundromat with us.
It was ridiculous.
When we got there, I had to run and pick up laundry detergent, because of course we forgot it.
And then we put all the laundry in.
We took up ALL of these industrial washers, including the giant one on the end, PLUS one more, and an equal amount of dryers.
Again, ridiculous.
By the time we were done, Jamie had only 30 minutes to leave for work, which he was super grouchy about. We ended up having an argument about his attitude, which he called and apologized about.
Crazy morning.
I know in the blogging world, randomness is usually saved for "Totally Random Tuesday" (as can be seen
here and
here.) But, I'm an individual, and decided to do it today. Plus, I don't want to wait until Tuesday to share my thoughts.
Got my parent's Christmas Card today, and they used on of my wedding pictures on it! I thought it was really cute.
I love that Dex is on their card, when they teased me about my furry kids. haha
Minnie has it made this winter. Last year, Jamie had to shovel her a big flat spot for her to potty in, every time it snowed, so she doesn't drown in the snow.
This year, he took our screen off before the first big snow (not like we will be using it this winter) and made Minnie a "potty hut."
All we have to do is keep the "entrance" clear, and she's good to go.
She said "Thanks, Dad!" by licking him in the face 80 times.
Oh wait.
That's normal.
Well, either way, I know she appreciates it.
I hate mandatory overtime.
(That's such a stupid concept to me anyway. How can you REQUIRE someone to work overtime?)
Thanks SDI, for stealing my husband again, just when I was excited school was out so I could see him more.
But no.
He now has to work 3PM to 3AM until the end of the year.
Awesome. Back to falling asleep alone.
So, because I haven't seen him at all this week, I took Asia Wok (the best Chinese food in town) out to him last night, and we ate dinner together!
It was awesome.
I tried on his hard hat, and safety glasses. I think I'm going to start wearing them daily. Not.
Monday (yes, the day after that big snow) I was still required to drive to the east side of indy, to go to a meeting at my school for student teaching, because IPS only closes if it's a weather emergency.
What should have taken me 30 minutes took me an hour and ten.
When I got there, the meeting lasted 20 minutes, so we went upstairs to meet our mentor teachers, and mine was gone, on her first sick day in four years. Awesome.
So, I drove home (it only took me 50 minutes that time). What a lame morning.
But, I did get to see the school, and get oriented with it.
I will be in a fifth/sixth combined math classroom.
Oh man.
Talk about a challenge.
Sixth graders and math.
But, I'm kind of excited about it, at the same time. It's going to be something new and fun.
Just wish I could meet my teacher, so I could stop worrying about that.
My Ball State roommate Sarah got engaged this weekend!!
She and Jared have been together 6 years, (so it's about time!)
She called me the other night to tell me about it, she is on cloud nine!
I am so excited and happy for her, he's a great guy.
She told me her mom has already made a list of venues, lol.
And, I am going bridesmaid dress shopping with the lovely Amanda, for Amanda and Joe's wedding next year!
We are all going over Christmas break.
So Excited!!!
They are seriously the cutest couple ever, and I am so excited to be a part of their day!
Well, I'm out of here.
Have to go clean my house.