Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Eventful Weekend

Well Hello there.
Much has happened since my last post. 
I guess I will go chronologically, since that seems like the most logical way to do it. 
So, here we go.

I had mentioned in my last post that we were going to Wal-mart at midnight for my $9 tupperware, and that was the only Black Friday shopping that we were going to do.
Well, I was half right. 
We got to Wal-mart at midnight, and there was literally no place to park. Jamie dropped me off, and I ran though the store, under the caution tape, through the clothes department, and grabbed the tupperware.
Then, I went back the same way (yes, back under the caution tape) and got in line.
I was way excited.
This is me in line at midnight. You can see a glimpse of the madness behind me.
Well, while I was waiting in line, Jamie noticed a Blu-ray player. For only $70. But...not until 5 AM.
I said "Yeah Right." 
He said "No, we can wake back up and come."
I said "Sure babe, I'll come with you."

Now, let me clarify that I only said "sure" because Jamie is the worst person that I have ever met about getting up for things. Sometimes I literally have to drag him out of bed for important things, like work and school. So, in saying yes, I did so with the knowledge that when his alarm went off at 4:30 AM, he would just shut it off and go back to sleep. 
Problem solved.

So I'm sure you can imagine my shock and horror when the lights flipped on at 4:30 AM, and he hopped out of bed, and said "Come on!"
So, unable to go back on my word, I got up, and we drove to Wal-mart and bought a Blu-ray player.
It sucked.
Then we went home, back to bed, and both got up for work at 9 AM. 

That Friday evening, though, after a gruesomely long day of work, my mom took me to Keystone mall, and to Teavana, and bought me a new really cute tea tin, 2 oz. of Ayurvedic Chai White Tea (thanks, Misty,) and 2 teacups for my birthday! She's so sweet.
Afterwards, we went to Beni Hana, and we had a glorious, amazing, delicious dinner.
It was nice to spend time with her.

And then Saturday morning, Jamie was sick.
He stayed in bed all day, nauseous, and had to miss Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family, which is his favorite
So, he was bummed about that, and so was I.
But, my mom made me an amazing coconut birthday cake, because it's my favorite!
It was so delicious!

And then on Sunday morning, I let Jamie sleep, because he hadn't been feeling well.
And then when he got up, and was feeling better, we decided to be productive and go Christmas Shopping!
So, we started at Mass Ave, then went to Keystone Mall, then to Michigan Rd, and then back to 3 places in Brownsburg!
We shopped ALL day.
It was exhausting.
But, at the end of the day, it was really exciting, because we got all but 3 presents!
That's amazing for two huge procrastinators.  I was proud of us.
But then we got home, and realized that since we haven't done our christmas decorating yet, there was no where to put the presents. 
So, here is where they are for now. 
Poor Jamie has had to significantly reduce his homework space.
We should be fixing this sometime this week, though.
And, we got Minnie a cute new Christmas Sweater, and Emma a Kitty Condo. 
They are both so cute!

But, then the day turned bad.
Really bad.
I started having really bad heartburn. I don't ever have heartburn, but I just assumed that's what it had to be.  I had an intense, burning pain from my stomach, behind my sternum, to about my collarbones. I just decided to try and sleep it off, and hope it was better in the morning.
Then, at 3:30 AM Monday morning, I woke up in serious pain. It hurt so bad behind my sternum that it was hard for me to breathe, especially deep breaths or yawns, and my shoulders hurt, and BOTH my arms were tingly and numb all the way down to my fingers.
I was concerned, but I've never been one to just rush to the hospital for every little thing.
So, I called a 24-hour immediate care hotline, and described my symptoms to a nurse.
And she told me to go to the ER.

So, Jamie drove me to to ER, and we got there about 4 AM Monday.
I was concerned about my heart, but they did an EKG, and ruled that it definitely wasn't that.
Which was a relief.
They also did a Chest X-ray, took blood twice (and missed once,) and did an ultrasound of my internal organs.
It was a rough 5 hours.
Finally, around 9:30 AM, the nurse comes in and tells me that it was a severe acid reflux episode, and that they are prescribing me Prilosec.
But, they still couldn't tell me why my arms went numb.
Which is weird.
But, I guess I should just be thankful that nothing major was wrong, and they've given me a clean bill of health, other than acid reflux.
It just sucks that we had to spend 5 hours in the ER to do that.

I will say that I am so very overwhelmed by my husbands love for me.
He spent 5 hours laying across 2 wooden chairs in a 4 foot wide space to be with me.
Even though it totally de-railed his Monday.
I am so appreciative of that.

So, finally after all of that, this week has gotten back to normal.
and by normal, I mean crazy busy.
I have two major homework assignments due within a week of each other.
And by major, I mean can decide by themselves whether I pass or fail this semester.
So, I am going to focus in on that for a while.
Just saying.
I will be glad when school is over, and I don't have to be a lonely, homework driven, hermit.

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