It's been a while since I've done a recipe post.
I think my last one was homemade ravioli that ended in disaster, here.
I haven't had much time to cook, but now that school is done for the semester, I am going to try and go back to my one recipe a week attempt.
This week was...
Asparagus Carbonara!
I got the recipe from a Rachel Ray magazine.
2 eggs
2/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
3/4 pound spaghetti
1 bunch asparagus, halved lengthwise and cut crosswise into 2 inch pieces
2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
5 slices bacon, coarsely chopped
3 cloves garlic
1/4 cup dry whit wine
Salt and Pepper
I didn't use the whole bunch of asparagus, because it was HUGE. And, I found it much easier to cut it into 2 inch pieces first, and then cut it in half lengthwise.
Also, I used turkey bacon instead of pork bacon.
Easier to chop, and significantly healthier.
And make sure you put your water on to boil during the chopping, because otherwise you have to wait on it. (yep, did that.)
Step #1: In a large bowl, beat together the eggs and cheese.
Cook pasta until al dente, adding the asparagus during the last minute of cooking.
And make sure you break your pasta in half. I made this mistake (again) and burned some of the noodles before i could get it pushed down in the water.
The asparagus is hard to mix in.
Add the hot pasta and asparagus mixture, and toss to coat.
Step #2: In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the bacon and cook until crisp. Stir in the garlic. Add the wine and cook until slightly reduced, about 1 minute.
Stir the bacon mixture into the pasta, adding enough hot water to moisten; season with salt and pepper.
It tasted awesome!
Jamie and I ate it for lunch and dinner for 2 days straight!
I'm so glad to be cooking again!
looks delicious, thanks for sharing! tim and i will have to try this one...