About Me

I grew up in a small Indiana town, but I love to visit the city.

My parents were awesome.

My mom especially was determined to make sure that I knew there was a whole world out there, so I didn't end up small minded.
We went to museums, shows, parks, plays, concerts, and anything she could think of to embed a little culture into my sister and I.
And I will always be grateful for that.

I studied Elementary Education for two years at Ball State,
and I now have 3 semesters until I am a licensed teacher, and I will graduate from IUPUI.

I met Jamie at church my senior year of high school.
I fell in love the day I saw him.
We had our first date the day I graduated.
With him being 23 at the time, that's how it had to be.
If we had been closer in age, it definitely would have been sooner.

What started out as "just having a fun summer" with each other, 
turned into a two year long distance relationship while I was at college an hour and a half away.
It sucked, but it was worth it to both of us.
I made the decision to transfer, simply because I couldn't stand the distance anymore.

I am so happy I did.

He proposed to me on October 13, 2009.
We took a walk around the circle in downtown Indianapolis,
and he started talking about one of out early dates downtown, 
where we had gone to the symphony and taken a carriage ride.
And then he got down on one knee.
And of course I said yes!
(okay, I will admit, this is not that day, it is an engagement pic in the same spot. )

I had about 7 months to plan my entire wedding.
While in the teaching program at college.
It was nuts.

But, to make a long story short, we got married three years and three days after our first date.
I had a ton of support, and it turned out to be everything I had every dreamed of.
And, here we are now.

We live in a little house in a suburb, with our furry children, Minnie and Emma.
I love my life.
I am trying to live it to the fullest while balancing responsibilities.
Not always an easy task, but totally worth it.
I love dancing, stars, tea, cooking, walks, sunshine, veggie burgers, flowers, wine, animals, art, music, and cuddling.
I am an avid reader.
I hate onions. Except when they are in something.
I don't like any of my food to touch.
I get irritated by improper grammar.
I daydream more than anyone I know.
My hips are too big, and my body's  are too long.
I am young.
and i am married.
so what.
I am dramatic, silly, dorky, elegant, classy, sweet, impatient, rude, funny, energetic, easily amused, and loving.

And I'm not ashamed of any of it.