Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Smile with your eyes....

Still sick.
In fact, I am sicker than yesterday.
It sucks so bad.
I woke up this morning for work, and had absolutely no voice above a whisper, raging headache, throat and lungs on fire, and you don't wanna know what was coming out of my coughs and nose.
I had to call into work, which really sucks, because it was a big training day for me.
I felt really bad.

But, I have slept a lot today, drank buckets of tea, hacked up a lung, and am starting to feel a little better. 
(the lung thing was a joke...sort of.)

So,  I thought I would share some of the joys in my life for the last few week or so.

My husband loves halloween, and this year he decided to dress up for the trick-or-treaters.
This was the end result.
hahahahaha, I love that man.
He makes quite the lumberjack.

As I mentioned yesterday, our washer bit the dust.
Considering that it is 20 years old and was a garage sale purchase, 
I am not surprised.
This is what I came home to.
The washer was in the garage, and there was a wet towel and hammer in its place.
Jamie is making his first trip to the laundromat tomorrow morning. 
It's going to be interesting.

I also got some of the pictures back from Holly's yesterday.
We had a lot of fun doing it, we kept making "Tyra" and "Smeyes" references.
We are such dorks.
But here are some of my favorites.
It was fun, and we are already talking about doing it again.

Last but not least, Minnie Mouse has been very sweet while I've been sick.

And by sweet I mean smothering and needy.
This is where she has insisted on staying. All. Day.

But, I don't mind (too much.)
She's a sweetheart.

Well, off to do the 62,794,153 things I have to do for school.

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