
I have a lovely little family.

Of course, there's my husband Jamie.

He's amazing.
He is extremely full of energy, full of life, and loves to be active and silly.
He lets me be me, which is what I love about him.
He loves the outdoors, 
and is the most musically talented person I have ever met.
He keeps joy in my life, and brings me up when the world gets me down.
He always forgets to put a trash bag back in the can, and to rinse his silverware after eating.
But I still love him.
I already could not imagine my life without him.
There will be trials, but I have no doubt in my mind that we will come through them, and be better for it.
There are a million more wonderful things I could say about him, but I will spare you the mushy stuff.

He works really hard to provide for us, and I know he wishes he had more time for the things he loves.
But he is happy, and so am I.
I'm a lucky girl.

Then there is Emma.
AKA Em, fur-ball, diva, and brat.

She was randomly given to us by some people Jamie used to know.

She is truly a diva.

She gets mad and won't let us pet her when she doesn't get her way.
She consistently rolls on the floor and cries like she is dying of dehydration, even though she has a full bowl of water, just because she wants NEW water.
She gets fur everywhere. She is obsessed with bags or boxes of any kind, and they entertain her for hours. She runs to the door like a dog when you get home.
She drools. Weird.
I love it.
Nothing makes you feel as good as when she comes over to you, and wants to love on you, even if you do end up covered in hair. She is the second best cuddler I know (after Jamie) and I love her so much.
She is my girl. 

And we could never forget Minnie.
AKA Minnie Mouse, Min, Minnie-Min, Stinky, baby girl.

Minnie is a lunatic.

She eats cat poop, runs into things, plays don't-touch-the-ground tag on our furniture, and has a pillow for a boyfriend.  She barks at basically everything that makes noise.
She licks like you are candy. 
She treats pup cups from Starbucks like doggy-crack.
She wants to be as close to your face as possible when cuddling. If she could crawl into your mouth, she would.
She is scared of everything, including thunder, belts, the vacuum cleaner, loud noises, and feet.
She rolls in poop at least once a month.

I love her.

She is so happy to see us, and wants loved on SO bad, even after we have been gone for a while, or she has gotten in trouble.  It is the most unconditional love imaginable.

Minnie and Emma rarely get along, but when they do, it is awesome.

I am truly a lucky girl.