This week has been ROUGH.
Jamie and i both started back to school full time.
And we both work essentially full time.
Essentially, we say goodbye around 7:30 AM,
and every weekday but Monday, don't see each other again until one of us gets off work,
which is 11 or 12PM.
Mondays we at least get to have lunch.
So, on top of never seeing my husband,
and working 35 hours a week still,
and our house looking awful because we are never here,
Here is the homework I was assigned after the first week:
Reading: 1/2 of our lit. group novel (119 pages), Ch. 1 of textbook (21 pages)
6 pages of research about the novel, 4 page article
Write a paragraph about an assigned section in our textbook
Find a song that pumps you up
Art: Read Ch. 1 of textbook (19 pages), find a 3-D object that represents me
Read an online article (7 pages)
Music: Listen to the noises while sitting at your desk, find pictures of those things, and make a mural. (because I don't have anything else I could be doing during that time.) =(
Science: Read 1/4 of a novel (that I don't even have yet.)
Write a 1-page paper addressing "What is Science?" Read 10 pages out of the textbook
Pick my topic for the science mini lesson I have to teach in 2 weeks
Math: Read Ch. 1-5 of textbook (88 pages), Read a 12 page article, Read a 4 page article
Write a reflection about all three readings.
In case you were wondering, that's 344 pages of reading. Plus all of the writing and other stuff I have to do.
The only positives:
I love my friends in my class.
They make it bearable.
And now that Jamie doesn't work weekends, we will at least have those to enjoy each other's company.
(when we are not doing homework.)
Oh, and i found a new blog to love.
She is an art lover, and stay at home mom, who loves to post art she finds, and things she does with her kids. It's great.
I just miss my husband.
and I am so overwhelmed already.
Jamie asked me the other night as we collapsed into bed at midnight
"Are we doing the right thing?"
I said,
"What, killing ourselves for our education?
I hope so."
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