Last day of summer classes tomorrow.
The semester starts in 2 weeks.
dang it.
Been doing some re-arranging in the office.
Looking for a big comfy reading chair to go in there.
Probably going to have to get it used.
It's really hard to find a cute used one, though.
I really like this one from target,

But it doesn't look very comfortable.
The music room is also almost done.
looks good.
My "Almost Vegetarian" book came today.
Jamie is trying to adjust to his new schedule, but things will be a little hectic for a couple of weeks. He had to be at work at 6 this morning, and he was exhausted.
It's worth it, though.
Chicago a week from tomorrow!
Can't stinking wait.
So excited!
Big things happening at work.
Big things.
I have a lot to think over.
Possible management opportunity.
I think things are going to be good, though.
Excited about spending some time with Misty on Friday.
I enjoy these things.
My life's boring.
Boring, but good.
don't you love being boring? :) i love the chair too... although i agree, doesn't look comfortable