Had an amazing weekend.
In Chicago.
With my husband.
We seriously didn't want to come home.
It was wonderful.
We took the train up, and the bus back, so the whole time we were there, we walked or took the L to get around.
We loved it.
Here are some highlights of our trip:
Jamie had never been up the Sears (or Willis...whatever) tower, so we went there.
They have a cool new box thing where you can step out over the city.
It was crazy.
We spent some time at millennium park,
just doing what people at millennium park do.
Hanging out.
(And yes, I took both of the above pictures. I'm quite proud of them.)
Ate at Grand Lux Cafe.
It was gorgeous, ritzy, and the food was amazing.
We went to the Art Institute (my personal favorite),
and saw awesome art.
I studied Impressionism for several years in French in high school,
so I was very excited to see so many paintings that i had studied.
(Monet, Seurat, and Renoir, just to name a few)
I also have a strange obsession with interesting and unique chairs.
I was basically in chair heaven.
We also went to Buddy Guy's Legends, had a few drinks, and saw some really awesome live blues.
Two ladies sat at the extra chairs at our table, and it turns out they are in Chicago shooting the new Victoria Secret commercial that will be going out world wide.
Apparently the commercial will have animals in it, because they train animals for all sorts of movies and commercials.
It was pretty cool.
I would have liked to talk to them about that a little more, but honestly, they were pretty drunk.
The last day, we went up to the beach for a while.
We just happened to catch a really cool air show.
and then just walked around the city looking at buildings, and for ice cream, lol.
I was so sad to leave.
The whole time we were there, we kept talking about picking up and getting an apartment in Chicago, just so that we could live there for one year. Just to do it.
But, with school, and the house, and work, we will see if it ever happens.
We got home at midnight last night, and i had to get up and open today.
This opening every sunday thing is getting REALLY old already.
My manager (who has 4 years seniority over me, might I add) has decided that she is not going to work any Sundays during football season.
That currently leaves...me.
But, church is a really important part of my life, and I am not going to miss it every Sunday for work.
maybe once or twice a month, if I have to (and believe me, as understaffed as we are, I do,) but not every sunday. It's not fair.
So, I will be working through that these next few weeks.
plus school.
it's gonna get crazy.
at least I got one last weekend with my love.
it looks like you guys had a lovely weekend! those pictures were pretty inredible... i was thinking, "wow, she took those?" even before i read that you had! :) i will be praying about sundays, hopefully you can work something out. it was so good to see jamie there, knowing he will be able to be around more. love you!