Wednesday, August 3, 2011

World War III and Fridge art.

I've been waging war.
In my own home.
They are the ultimate enemy.
What started this was that Emma laid at the foot of my side of the bed on Sunday.
Sunday night, I went to sleep about 1AM, and kept dreaming that my feet were being eaten.
Finally, at 5AM, I got up, and went and looked at them in the bathroom under the light, and my feet and ankles looked like this:
 I had 12 of these bites. Ridiculous. And this was taken about 36 hours later, after most of the swelling had gone down.
I spent the rest of the night on the couch, and since then I've washed everything fabric in my whole house, and they've both had flea meds.
I will win.
Take that, fleas.

In more happy news, I got a new kitchen compost container!
 It holds 2.4 gallons, fits perfectly under my sink freeing up counter space,
 and has a great carbon filter to keep odor down, and came with 3 replacement filters!
I'm really excited about it, and the fact that I got it for about 60% off! It's also not clear, so you can't see all the yuckiness, which is kind of nice.

We had a cookout at our house this past weekend, for all of the people who play or sing in our church worship band with us, and their families.  We had a really good time, and I was left with some lovely refrigerator art.
The left side was done by Wyatt, and the right side was Jacqueline.
I love them, they make me smile.

I will leave you with a video of my crazy, funny dog.
She has been extraordinarily needy lately! She just wants attention all the time.
Turn your volume all the way up, and listen to how stinking needy she's been!
She did this for 30 minutes.
She's actually doing it right now.
 As I type this.
Crazy, crazy dog.

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