Sunday, August 14, 2011

This weekend...

What a weekend it has been.
It started Saturday morning, with the arrival of our awesome new fridge...
That definitely didn't fit into our fridge space...
So Jamie had to scoot the counter over 1/4 of an inch.
He's so great. =)
It's basically the best. fridge. ever.

Then, as Jamie sat down to work on his new computer (that I waited for all day Tuesday) It died. 
So, while he was completely freaking, I made an emergency appointment at the apple store.
Which looked like this.
And husband looked like this.
They told us his computer was DOA. Dead on arrival.
They said it only happens in 1 out of every million sales.
So, Jamie is waiting on a new one. 
He's adjusting to the idea, although he's not thrilled. 
I didn't mind the trip too much, because I got in a long overdue trip to Teavana. 
I now own a large jar of rock sugar, 2 oz. of "Spice of Life" White and 2 oz. of "Anjou Pear-adise" Oolong.
So very yummy.
Then I only had 1/2 an hour to get ready for work.
While at work, this happened.
The power went out, so I spent most of the evening re-booting the computers, and running around like a crazy person.
What a day.
Then today was the Mossman family picnic, 
which was fun.
We went hiking, and had a good time.
Husband then put the wine cooler under the counter on brackets, clearing some counter space,
While I started some seeds for a fall harvest (hoping it works!), 
And made a pretty flower arrangement.
And we are pretty much exhausted.
But, it's been a good weekend, and I'm hoping this week will be equally as good.

1 comment:

  1. the fridge looks amazing... tons of space and i love the crisper drawer. i went to teavana the other day too! my sis bought me two new teas, one of which is AMAZING iced and of course, i thought of you :) missing you so much... phone date soon??
