Monday, March 21, 2011

Keepin' on keepin' on.

Another crazy week has past.
My team teacher, who I rely on for half of the planning and teaching, was out for the entire week.
It turned into a less-than-pretty situation.
The long and short of it is I did all the teaching last week, and all of the planning for this week.
It was exhausting.  
But, I can honestly say that I received some really positive feedback about stepping up in a tough situation, and that my teaching abilities drastically improved during that week.
So, there was some positivity that came out of it all.

I also started counting calories again.
I have gained 18 pounds since school started. (gasp!)
I realized that it is because I don't work very hard to monitor what I'm eating.
When you work 18 hours a day, you get into a habit of just grabbing something.
So, starting last wednesday, I downloaded an app from a website that counts your calories, subtracts calories burned through exercise, and tracks your progress, and even your nutrition. It's free, and based off of
So far it's been pretty difficult, the first week always is.  But, this is how I lost weight my freshman year at Ball So I know if I just stick through it, it will get easier, and it WILL work.

I get to do a little proud mama bragging for a few minutes.
I created a 6 week long poetry unit for my fifth graders, with the thought that if I could just help one of them develop a love for creative writing, then it would be a success.
While I do hear "I hate poetry." daily, there are definitely a few of my students who have taken a love to it. I'm so proud of them, and hopefully I will be able to share some of their writings eventually.
They make me really proud that I can give these kids a way to express their feelings.

On a random note, My in-laws and niece Sarah stopped by (unannounced) and brought their new chocolate chihuahua puppy.
This is the pandaemonium that ensued in my backyard.
hahaha, it was pretty amusing.

My spring break starts in 4 days!!! 
I am so so so excited!
And Sunday is my first day off from school AND work since January!!
We are going to see Amos Lee in concert at the Murat that night, and I am so pumped.
It will be a much needed break.
I plan on blogging every day that week, because I miss it so.
Looking forward to my week off, and hope everyone is doing well!


  1. you have the iphone app right??? ok so there is a free app called Lose It... you seriously need to download it... it's incredible! it's part of what helped tim lose so much weight after we got married.... whenever he wants to get back on track, he starts doing it again... last week he lost, like, 6 pounds. i actually did it with him for awhile because i thought it was fun to sort of keep tabs on what i ate... i had no idea how many calories were in a ton of things... it helps you weigh your choices and you end up picking things that are fewer calories or have less sugar... also, it's on the phone so you'd have it with you all day... that's convenient since you can add things anytime you want. okay that's enough of my enthusiasm... let me know if you try it...i think you'll love it!

  2. oops... meant to say "you have the iphone right?" not the "iphone app"

  3. nice blog! my spring break ended today :/
    have fun and i cnt wait to read more posts :)
    new follower here and it wld be lovely to get a follow bck :) xx

  4. hooray for spring break!! sounds like it couldn't come sooner-- nice job on all your full-time teaching too :)
