Monday, March 28, 2011

I believe in the power of Love.

What a weekend.

I'll start with the good. 
Last night we went to the Amos Lee concert.
It. was. great!
I Love Amos Lee. His music is very soothing to me. 
And I love my husband even more, and being with him, while listening to that music,
was so, so good for my soul.
Unfortunately, the cold that I have been fighting to avoid for almost two weeks came on in full force. So, I was very busy feeling like crap and blowing my nose during the show, but it was still awesome. That cold has not subsided, so needless to say I still feel like crap.

But my world has also been rocked in a major way.
To make a very long story short, my class portion of the semester is a separate grade from my student teaching portion of the semester, and while my student teaching is going amazingly, (not sure if that is a real word, but oh well) and I have an awesome grade, my professor has told me that she doesn't feel I have done well enough to currently pass the class portion, due to one bad paper and two papers that were not turned in on time (only one of which was my responsibility).  With only four weeks left to fix it. And unfortunately she's not being very proactive about helping me fix it. 
So, there is a good chance I may have to retake this semester. 
I cried all day Thursday and all day Friday.
This completely turns my life upside down, and pushes off all of the plans I had. 
And on top of that, I have never failed at anything. Ever. And especially not at something related to the one thing I feel I'm meant to do. 
I feel like such a loser, and really stupid. 
I know I shouldn't, because I know that I am capable, and this is just a setback, and I really am meant to be a teacher. 
But this is very hard on me, not just because of all the work I've done, but because my self-confidence has received a huge blow.
I told Jamie I just want to quit. And there is a part of me that does. 
He won't let me. And I know there would be a long line of people behind him to kick my butt if I did.
I'm just not sure what to do now.
How do you rebuild confidence after something like this?
If you know, please share it with me. 
Because I'm going to need some help.

I'll leave you with an Amos Lee song that I love, and that lifts my heart when I hear it.
It's been helping.

I just wish my seat had been this close. =)

1 comment:

  1. well i will walk by faith
    even when i cannot see
    because this broken road
    prepares your will for me

    sending you prayers and positivity. i know you are strong and will get through this tough time. it's been one heck of a year and you are a champ. ♥
