Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Poor Minnie Mouse...

My poor pets. 
They have now both had illnesses in the last month.
And my poor wallet. 
It's suffering because of it. 

It's been better now that Emma is finally over her tapeworm. But...

Last week, I noticed that Minnie had strange, wet spots at the very tips of her little ears.
They turned out to be round, open sores, about the size of a pencil eraser on one, and the size of a dime on the other. 
They had pus on them, and were crusty. 
I gave them a little time to heal on their own, and when they didn't, I called the vet today at lunch.
They were able to get her in today, at 5:20.
So, I drove like 80 from the East side to make it, but I did.
The vet took one look, and said "No way!"
Needless to say, I was concerned.
She then said "A week ago, this would have totally stumped me. But, this is the second chihuahua this week with the same thing."

She then went on to tell me that it is a reaction to the rabies vaccine she got about a month ago.
It's a rare occurrence called "Rabies vaccine-induced Ischemic Dermatopathy," and causes hair loss, skin darkening, and ulcers on the skin. 
This explains why she has been so lethargic these last couple weeks.
As seen here.
This vaccine has caused her to feel really crummy, and get open, gross, nasty sores on her ears.
My poor girl.
The vet said it would be no problem for her to continue to get her vaccines, because it could be a one time thing, but all the research says I should get her vaccinated as little as legally possible. 
The main reason it affects chihuahuas and other little dogs the most is because the rabies vaccine is given in the same dose to ALL dogs, whether they are a Great Dane or a Chihuahua. Really? I feel like it should be common sense that different sizes call for different doses.

Anyway, we have to give her antibiotics twice a day for 14 days, and put hydrocortisone cream on her sores.
I'm ready for my poor girl to feel better.


  1. awe, it's like having to see your child be sick, which is one of the worst things in my opinion. I hope she feels better soon! Btw, I looked for you at church on Sunday when I saw Jamie come in, but figured you must have been at work... maybe next time :)

  2. aw so sad she's down and out... hope the little girl feels better asap!
