This is a conversation that happened this weekend, when our niece Natalie was with us. I love to cook, and I consider myself a good cook, but I always have to ask Jamie if he likes it, and he never comes out and compliments me about it. It's something I find really important, and that I can be really self conscious about. It's really important to me that he like my cooking. Hence the following:
Nat: "I don't know anything about cooking."
Jamie: "you know who's a really good cook?" [points to me, and smiles]
Me:[Get a huge smile on my face, and super excited because that is the first and only time he's EVER complimented me about my cooking or said I was a good cook without being prompted. Super, super excited!]
Jamie: "Her mom!"
Nat: [laughs]
Me: [realizing what has just happened, my jaw drops. Uggh. seriously? Now I'm hurt.]
What a jerk.
Okay, he was kidding, but seriously. It didn't mean nearly as much when he told me I was a good cook after that. It's a good thing he makes me laugh most of the time. I was able to let this one go.
Husbands. seriously.
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