Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Worst Customer Service... Ever.

I was required to get a county background check for my student teaching this semester.
To do this, I had to print the form, go to the country seat (danville), have it stamped, and then drive it to the IPS administration office downtown.
This is the interaction between myself and the lady working at the Sheriff's office, who we will further call the Sheriff's office lady, or SOL, as the alternate meaning for this acronym also describes her attitude.

[I walk in, there is only one visible window. So, I stop there. SOL looks up at me, catches my eye, and then goes back to her computer for nearly a full minute. I continue to wait.]
SOL: [finally coming to the window and looking annoyed] "I need your drivers license and five dollars."
Me: [taken aback] "...for a...background check?"
SOL: [more annoyed] "....yes."
Me: [trying to joke and break the tension]"Woah, you're good!"
SOL: [completely blank, annoyed, stare]
Me: "Oh, I'm sorry, all I have is a ten, do you have change?"
SOL: [looks at me like I am stupid]"...No."
Me: "Okay, well....I don't have any other bills."[nervous smile]
[awkward pause]
SOL: [deep, aggravated sigh] "Give me the ten."
Me: [wondering if I am out five bucks, hands her the ten through the slot in the glass]
SOL: [pulls out a WHOLE BAG OF CHANGE from the drawer.  Digs out five ones, and shoves them through the slot in the window, so that the air lifts them up, and i have to chase them like an idiot. Barely looks at the sheet, barely looks at the computer, stamps it, comes back, and shoves the form and my license through the slot. And. Walks. Away.]
Me: "Thank you!"
SOL: [ignores me]

She was either having a really bad day, or she has a miserable life, all of which is the fault of her own mentality. 
I mean really, it's almost laughable. 
Being someone who works in the customer service industry, and who takes great pride in how I treat my customers, it makes me sad that someone can hate life so much that she takes it out on complete strangers.
This is just another experience to remind me of why I continue to try and have a positive outlook about everything.
Because I don't want to be this woman in 20 years.


  1. i was laughing out loud until i read the part about possibly having a miserable life. you will not become this woman. haha... ahh this post is funny :)

  2. Hilarious story-- thanks for sharing! I've dealt with people such as the lady you described before and I always try to kill them with kindness whether they like it or not :-)
