I'm taking on the president of my HOA.
She's finally pushed me over the limit.
I've had run in's with her in the past, mostly about our mailbox (there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it, but she's determined to force us to get a new one because it doesn't match) and other silly things like a stray dog in our yard, and our grass being 1/4 of an inch too tall. Yeah, seriously. We had been on vacation for a week, and a citation was waiting in our box. Ridiculous.
But today, i got one of her monthly emails.
She has been on a serious crime-watch kick, and has lined up self defense classes for the neighborhood for free. All fine.
But, she then added a list of "crime watch information" as she called it that was 10 pages long.
This document listed every police call for the year of 2011, including what the call was for (domestic disturbance, rape, mental health issues, and attempted suicide were all included) and the ADDRESS where these things happened. Also, she included whether an arrest was made or not.
She also says she is going to start forwarding these documents to us monthly.
I can't even begin to tell you how much this bothers and disgusts me.
It is an unbelievably blatant violation of all respect and privacy for everyone in our edition.
I am furious.
I called the property manager, and they seemed pretty shocked as well.
I forwarded the email to them, and they are going to investigate and get back to me.
I can't undo the 10 pages she sent out already, but I'm going to try my darnedest to get future ones STOPPED.
Bring it on, lady, I'm done.
how is that legal?! that's utterly insane... you go girl!!