Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's finally November!

Well friends, I know it's been a while.
A lots been going on.
Here's the basic rundown.
As of Saturday, I no longer work at Family Video.
I am in a last chance, can't screw up, remediation class, with lots and lots of extra work, and I MUST succeed.
Or no degree.
So, it came down to my job or the mountains of work I'm now taking on.
It's a very scary feeling, not having a job.
We'll be okay, as long as nothing super major happens that requires tons of money.
And the worst part is, I'm still not guaranteed a passing grade.
It's a whole world of unknowns right now, and that is very, very scary for me.

because it is November,
and November contains Thanksgiving (which is my birthday this year, just saying),
I'm going to focus on the positives in my life.
for the next 25 days, I'm going to post one thing I'm thankful for every day.
Mostly for me.
I need to remember all of the things I'm thankful for.

So today, I'm thankful for...


Last week was my last week of work (which was of course hectic) and my first serious week of school (equally hectic.) To top it all off, I was sick.
Seriously sick. Like, barely functioning sick.

So, one night, husband brought these home to me.
I love them.
They've been on our table since, and 
they are so wonderful.
They are a nice little picture of brightness in my recently bleak little world.
I love flowers, especially in winter, and am especially thankful for them today.
More things I'm thankful for in the days following.

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