Really great day today.
Jamie and I had a huge fight on Tuesday night.
Although, it's deceiving to call it a fight.
Our fights are like... heated conversations.
There's very little yelling, or anger, we just vent and then try to come up with a solution.
This "conversation" lasted until 3 AM.
But on the other side, we both had a much better understanding of what the other one needs right now to be happy.
And things have been much better.
We had a lot of fun today.
I worked a lot on the garden all morning.
The biggest problem in the garden right now is the grass.
It's taking over.
So, I spent the day laying weed barrier between the rows.
It was a lot of work, but I'm really hoping it will kill the grass, and then next year we won't have any problems with it.
I also planted some more.
And onions,
so Jamie can make salsa.
and asparagus
are growing!
Then Jamie and I went to the store to pick up some more fence, because the bunnies are eating my green beans. Jerks.
All they had was white.
And all my other fence is green.
It looks pretty redneck, but oh well.
We had a good time in Kmart, which was deserted, like always, and we had a pool noodle sword fight.
It was so fun.
It felt good to act like a kid again. I don't do that often.
While there, we found a patio umbrella on sale.
We've been talking about getting one for a while, so..
Can I just say, this second picture cracks me up because Emma is trying to knock Minnie's head off. hahaha
Now we just need to get a table and chairs that aren't junk.
yay for patio furniture!!