Agreed to help Jamie work the garage sale.
The garage sale that he didn't give me any time to prepare for, and just told me we were having it this weekend. And then he had to work.
I have had a whopping 2 people all morning. One person bought an ancient star wars puzzle, and another took something out of the free box.
I think we are going to have another one, with plenty of time for me to prep and advertise.
That would probably be better.
oh well, I can't help but love him.
I have also learned that Minnie is not a good garage sale dog. She thinks she has to protect mommy from the people. =)

On a more positive note, I had a great time last night at the Indians game with my family, even though they lost, which they do every single time I go to one of their games. We stayed for the sweet fireworks show that they had afterwards, and it was really nice to get to spend some time with my family.
I was also really excited about the fireworks, because I have to close at work for the second year in a row on the 4th of July tomorrow, and that really, really sucks. Especially since Jamie has it off for the first time in two years, and will most likely be playing blues at the old union celebration. I would really like to be able to be there and see that.
I also work a 9 hour close today, so I will probably be pretty tired of work by the time the week comes along.
I guess I need to look on the positive side, and that is the awesome paycheck that will include holiday pay.
Interested to see what happens at work. Both of my managers (store and district) announced that they were relocating to southern Indiana, where we are doing a lot of growing. So, we will only have an assistant and a regional for a while. They have a guy who they are starting to train for the District job, and then once he's in place, we will get another store manager. Plus we are getting three new hires in the same week. Absolute madness. Oh well, I am just going to try and stick it out and see what happens!
On a completely random note, I am bored with my background, but I can't find another one that I like as much, or that the red words stand out on as much. I guess i should explain that the reason I put certain words in red is so that when I am down, I can skim through this, and see all of the positives in my life. It may be dorky, but it makes me smile. It's a great pick-me-up when things aren't going so well.
Made an appointment to get a haircut. Probably going to cut it shorter than it has been in a really long time. I am excited and nervous, but it will be a nice change, and then I will probably just grow it back out long over winter. I will definitely post pics.
Well, going to go cook dinner for Jamie and I (his for home and mine for work). Baked ziti. yay! I love this dish. I am excited for church in the AM, and getting to sing with Misty! I just have to get through a long work shift first.
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