Monday, June 21, 2010

Minnie Mouse the Scaredy Cat

I had to get up at 8:30 this morning (Early when you work until midnight most nights) because my dog Minnie is afraid of thunder, and she was crying. So, she came to bed w/ mommy. She is not usually allowed in the bedroom, let alone the bed, so this was a treat for her, until daddy got home. lol
She's a punk, but I love her.

I have to go buy groceries today. wooohooo. Its going to be a rough week, our grocery budget is very low. Hopefully I can get enough to get us to friday, because both our paychecks come this week.

It sucks to try and budget for two inconsistent paychecks, one of which comes every friday, and one that comes every other Tuesday. lol

Looks like I will be returning to my old faithful friend, Aldi's.

I also have to get new work shoes, and that has to come out of emergency savings, because they are essential. My current work shoes have a hole in the bottom, and the soles are ripping off. let me tell you, it sucks working 8 hour shifts in those bad boys.

Ready for Jamie to stop working nights, I miss him.
But, we both have this friday night off, so hopefully that means another date night!

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