I have a little bad habit of focusing on the rough things in life. I started this blog as a focus on the positives in my life, and lately every time I get the urge to blog, I just want to vent about junk. Hence the reason there hasn't been a lot of blogging going on around here.
There has been a decent amount of junk lately, but I won't give in. Instead, I'm going to share some of my favorite things from the past few weeks.
Jamie at our campsite
Valentine's Day Dinner at the Melting Pot.
Jamie stuffing his face with Orangeleaf. =)
My Dress for my sister's wedding!!!! So excited!
Qdoba with my love.
My beautiful flowering bush in front of my house. =)
Bazbeaux pizza!!!
Best camping dinner EVER.
(P.S. I originally posted this from my iPhone app, so I had to go add the captions later. And that's why they are strangely out of order.)