Thursday, February 24, 2011

My world in the form of improper fractions...

Last Time I saw my husband
Next Time I see my husband
Massive Sucky-ness
this blows

eighteen hour day
four hours of sleep 
eighteen hour day 
really rough couple of days

Welcome to my life, people. These two weeks of 80 hours may kill me. 
Oh, and I have spent 5 hours a day for the past 3 days teaching fifth graders how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions. 
I'm having trouble turning it off.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Here we go, Ladies and Gentlemen..

Here. We. Go.
I started full-time student teaching today. 
I will be working full time at the store AND full time student teaching for the next two weeks.
I will say though, that I love being in the classroom full time. 
Love it. 
It just reminds me that this is where I'm supposed to be. Even with all of the challenges I face in that school, it's where I'm supposed to be.

So, this past weekend was sort of Jamie and I's last hurrah, and it was great.
Saturday morning we got up and made pancakes, yum! And then we both went to work until midnight. 
When I got home, he said, "We should go out." 
To which i readily replied "Yeah!"
I don't think he expected that, but he followed through. 
So, we went to Claddagh's, Howl at the Moon, and then Steak and Shake.
It was so fun.
But, we didn't get home until 4 AM.
So, needless to say, we slept in on Sunday.
I was feeling a little under the weather, anyway. 
After I crawled out of bed and took some Tylenol, 
we took a bike ride!
We put on earmuffs, gloves, and coats, and rode around our edition and the edition across the street.  
It was great, but also reminded me of just how out of shape I am.
And that is REALLY out of shape.
Then, Sunday night, I watched one of our pre-streets, called "Get Low"
Pre-streets are movies that are at the store before they go on the shelves. 
It's a lovely little perk of working at Family Video.
"Get Low," however, was one of the best movies I've seen in a while. I love small, independent titles, and this was a great one. 
Seriously, it was absolutely wonderful. I was really, really impressed, and I would recommend it to all.

And, I'm really excited, because there were TWO previews of movies that I think look awesome!

I have also found a new musical love. 
Dum da da dum!
Florence + the Machine.
They are awesome.
I bought their CD "Lungs" and it is awesome. I just love her voice. 
This is the video from their most famous release "Dog Days are Over."
Just a warning, the video is VERY eccentric, so please don't let that turn you off of the song. 
Because it's awesome.

And there's some good news around here!
Minnie's ears are finally getting better!
The white little spots on the tips of her ears are where the sores were. They have scabbed over and healed, which makes me a really, really happy woman. 
She's pretty happy too, I can tell. 

Well, I'm off to do the last little bit of homework I have before biggest loser. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Cuddly Saturday

Today has unfortunately been less than productive. 
I had all of these things I wanted to get done today, and i got very few of them done, and none of the ones that had to do with school. Dang it.
But, Oh well, it was a nice day none the less.

Jamie and I spent the morning catching up on this past week, and being all cuddly. Then we made pancakes for breakfast (when we got up at 10) and then took an hour long nap. =)

He's at work now, and I have to go in about an hour.

Even the pets have been feeling extra cuddly.
Minnie, who is acting more like herself, although not quite 100% yet, decided this was where she wanted to take her morning nap.

And then as soon as she left, here comes Emma!
Despite my lack of productivity, it's been a nice morning.
But, I'm going to regret it for the next few days, when I am staying up until all hours of the night doing homework.
Oh well.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Poor Minnie Mouse...

My poor pets. 
They have now both had illnesses in the last month.
And my poor wallet. 
It's suffering because of it. 

It's been better now that Emma is finally over her tapeworm. But...

Last week, I noticed that Minnie had strange, wet spots at the very tips of her little ears.
They turned out to be round, open sores, about the size of a pencil eraser on one, and the size of a dime on the other. 
They had pus on them, and were crusty. 
I gave them a little time to heal on their own, and when they didn't, I called the vet today at lunch.
They were able to get her in today, at 5:20.
So, I drove like 80 from the East side to make it, but I did.
The vet took one look, and said "No way!"
Needless to say, I was concerned.
She then said "A week ago, this would have totally stumped me. But, this is the second chihuahua this week with the same thing."

She then went on to tell me that it is a reaction to the rabies vaccine she got about a month ago.
It's a rare occurrence called "Rabies vaccine-induced Ischemic Dermatopathy," and causes hair loss, skin darkening, and ulcers on the skin. 
This explains why she has been so lethargic these last couple weeks.
As seen here.
This vaccine has caused her to feel really crummy, and get open, gross, nasty sores on her ears.
My poor girl.
The vet said it would be no problem for her to continue to get her vaccines, because it could be a one time thing, but all the research says I should get her vaccinated as little as legally possible. 
The main reason it affects chihuahuas and other little dogs the most is because the rabies vaccine is given in the same dose to ALL dogs, whether they are a Great Dane or a Chihuahua. Really? I feel like it should be common sense that different sizes call for different doses.

Anyway, we have to give her antibiotics twice a day for 14 days, and put hydrocortisone cream on her sores.
I'm ready for my poor girl to feel better.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The REAL Oh happy day...

I watched the movie Secretariat all day at work today. (If you haven't seen it, check it out, it is a surprisingly awesome movie.)

Most of the day I was doing work and not paying attention to it. 


twice during the movie, a song comes on.
And even though I wasn't paying attention before, it caused me to stop, and listen. 
And every time, it gave me chills. 
And a big smile.

It is "O happy day" by the Edwin Hawkins singers, from all the way back in 1969. 

And it is extremely uplifting.
I hope any of my friends who are going through a rough patch (you know who you are) =) will listen, and hopefully enjoy it as much as I do.

Make sure you listen all the way through, as it changed a couple of times throughout.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Oh happy day!

Guess who got a new iphone 4G for valentine's day, 


Got off work an hour early?


 I also found the cutest new blog to follow:

On it, she had a link to Brigada Creativa,
where she found this super cute calendar!
You fill in a portion of the heart for the day based on the time you have spent/type of interaction with your significant other!
I think it is so cute!

Well, I'm off to put my music, contacts, etc. onto my new phone!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!!

Jamie and I usually don't make a big deal out of Valentine's day, simply because it's not our style, but I have a feeling Jamie has something really big planned this year.
I am getting really, really excited for Saturday night. 

So, last night I made him these!
They are funfetti with Cherry icing!
He loves them!

And then today, I had a rough day. 
I went to lunch for my student teaching, and, in a bad, rough area of the city, (38th and Emerson, for those of you who are familiar with it), 45 minutes from my house, I locked my keys in my car.

Yep. Seriously.

Luckly, one of the teachers from the school also went to lunch there, and he and another patron of that Subway were able to get it open with a wire hanger. 
Yeah, I was definitely thanking God for that one. 
And, some of the stories of where the kids in my class come from, what they have been through, and how much they are struggling were just really, really wearing on me. By the end of the day, I was an emotional wreck. (yes, part of that is from only having 4 hours of sleep. But still)

After school, I went to my parent's house, and we went out for my mom's birthday!
(Since it is after midnight, I guess her birthday was technically yesterday, but oh well.) 
We went to their favorite sushi house, and they ate sushi, and I ate hibachi chicken.  
My stepdad told the workers that it was her birthday, and this is what happened:
hahaha, good thing she is a good sport! My stepdad loved it. =)
Then, when I got home, this is what was waiting for me:
I love my husband. 
These seriously made me smile so big. 

Despite all of the bad things, today was a good day because it reminded me of just how lucky I am to have such wonderful people to call family.
I feel blessed.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hey Misty...

Have you seen this???

White Ayurvedic Chai CANDLE!!!

I need it. =)

Monday, February 7, 2011

"Windows are rolled down.."

Sorry to have neglected you, friends. 
This is how I know my life is too busy: I have been trying to find time to blog since Thursday. And it's Sunday. Seriously.

I'm going to regret this tomorrow, I can already tell, because I have to work 8-6. But, I need my me time, and this appears to be the only time I can get it. 
As Jamie says "I'll sleep when I'm dead."
Hahaha, that reassures me on the nights when I only get 4 hours of sleep. Not. 

You all remember my post about the amazing, awesome, wonderful ice storm right?
Well, that wonderful storm got me an entire week off of school. A WHOLE WEEK. 
It was amazing.
This is what I did for those three days. 
By the end of my three days, I was starting to feel kind of lazy, so I did the dishes and some laundry. And then I watched more movies. 
I guess I am just a person who needs my down time.
It was awesome.

I also got to spend those mornings with Jamie, which was wonderful. He didn't have class either. We slept in, and cuddled, and then made breakfast, and then hungout. We haven't done that practically since summer.
I will say that by being out of school, there were some problems caused at work, because even though the schools were shut down, they expected people to brave the weather and come in even though they weren't scheduled. It created a mess, but hopefully the worst is over. Hopefully.

Then yesterday, I worked until 4, and then we picked up Natalie and took her shopping at the mall.  She bought some hats at Hot Topic, and we just hung out. It was nice to spend time with her, and she needs all of the support and positive influencing that she can get right now. 
Then we went out to dinner with my whole immediate family (which is amazing in itself, because we all work ridiculous schedules) to congratulate my little sister and her new fiance. We took Nat along, and I think she enjoyed it. She spent the night with us last night, and we took her to church this morning with us, which is definitely good for her. 

I also found out that my friend CJ is coming home for a whole month on April 9th!!! I am so excited about this, I can't wait to see him. 
He has been one of my best friends for many years (this is a picture of us in high school) and I am so excited to get to actually see him in person, instead of through skype. He has lived in Pensacola for the last year because he's in the Navy, and at the end of the month, he'll be transfered to North Carolina for three years.

And, more good news, we are going to see Amos Lee in concert at the end of March!! 
I bought our tickets and his new CD last night! I now have all four, and I love them all.
I haven't been to a concert in a while, I am really excited about this one. 
If you are interested in hearing his first release from the new album,
I love it.

So hopefully, with all of these positives, and after a refreshing week, I can survive this next one.

My husband is a jerk.

This is a conversation that happened this weekend, when our niece Natalie was with us.  I love to cook, and I consider myself a good cook, but I always have to ask Jamie if he likes it, and he never comes out and compliments me about it. It's something I find really important, and that I can be really self conscious about. It's really important to me that he like my cooking. Hence the following:

Nat: "I don't know anything about cooking."
Jamie: "you know who's a really good cook?" [points to me, and smiles]
Me:[Get a huge smile on my face, and super excited because that is the first and only time he's EVER complimented me about my cooking or said I was a good cook without being prompted. Super, super excited!]
Jamie: "Her mom!"
Nat: [laughs]
Me: [realizing what has just happened, my jaw drops. Uggh. seriously? Now I'm hurt.]

What a jerk.

Okay, he was kidding, but seriously. It didn't mean nearly as much when he told me I was a good cook after that. It's a good thing he makes me laugh most of the time. I was able to let this one go.
Husbands. seriously.