Saturday, January 15, 2011

Quick break...

I'm taking a homework break.
Yep, this is the part of the semester when I actually try to do all of my reading.

Well, this week has been crazy. 
The class part of my school sucks, that's to be expected.
But I met the students and teacher of the class I am to be student teaching in.
and it is Wonderful!
It's an ESL school, so they bus Hispanic students in from all over the city. 
I am a major minority in the school, let alone my class.
and I love it!
The kids were so fun, and I am so excited to learn from them.
And my teacher is amazing.
She has been at this same inner-city school for 9 years, and her class has ALWAYS had the highest I-STEP scores. Not to mention the fact that she has really high expectations for the kids, and they call her strict, but they all adore her. She's awesome.
I'm so excited to learn from her, and she seems really excited to be teaching us.
I couldn't have asked for a better placement.

I have missed Jamie a lot, it's been an adjustment. 
Plus the poor guy is sick, so he doesn't feel like doing anything.
Our house is falling apart, again.
When you are gone as much as we are, that tends to happen.
My goal for the day is to do homework in the morning, and clean in the afternoon, before work.

I am going to cook again tomorrow night. 
Last Sunday, I made a big batch of Corn and Lentil Soup.
I was going to do a blog about it, because it is a super cheap, easy recipe, and is really really good for you, and Jamie loves it, which is a good thing. 
But, we had a surprise intrusion visit from the in-laws.
After running out to the church so that Jamie could give Stephen a drum lesson (pretty excited about that, Misty) and then went grocery shopping, and when we got home for a nice quiet evening, they were outside of our house. Phone call would have been nice.
So, I hurried and put the soup on, while my mother-in-law cried for 10 minutes about her baby not coming to seeing her, and how she needed him.
My life is ridiculous sometimes. 
I was going to take a picture then, but I forgot, and then I tried to find one online, but none looked even remotely close to mine. Oh well.
And I baked four pieces of chicken, and we just ate them and the soup throughout the week. It was really nice!

I had an awesome "last hurrah" before school started last weekend!
I won a party at Howl, downtown, and it was a blast. Even some of my old friends from Ball State came! (And of course my IUPUI friends, as usual.)
(haha, poor Amanda. She doesn't take very good pictures at bars.)
It was a great way to end Christmas break.

I will leave you with this picture from this morning.
One, to show you how behind we are on housework. We forgot to put our bedclothes in the dryer last night, (okay, okay, I forgot) and we had to scrounge. These are the pink sheets I used at Ball State. haha!
And two, how cute Minnie looks when she sits like this, because she crosses her front paws. 
I love it.

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