Thursday, July 8, 2010

Boo you, homework.

I should be doing homework.
But...I'm not.
I leave for class in an hour.
I am so sick of school.
Dang it.

Minnie is in heat.
It sucks, we have to put a diaper on her.
She hates our stinkin' guts.
We are going to have her spayed as soon as she is done, because this sucks.
She does look a little cute though.

I made this last night for my husband and I
Beef stir-fry, and it was delicious.
I am failing miserably at only eating meat twice a week. I just need some better recipes, or it will never work. I think I am going to buy a new recipe book next week.
Can't help but be a little excited about that.

I'm drinking Pomegranate Raspberry Iced Green Tea.
Thank you, Misty, for teaching me to make good iced tea at home.
I love it.

Jamie is working 7 straight nights in a row. I have been off for 2 days, and I am bored to tears. I have cleaned everything.
I am so excited for him to have a normal schedule, which is supposed to be starting in August!

Okay, but now back to homework.
Dang it.


  1. you are welcome, that was a good day!! :) that tea looks so good! so.. did jamie get that 1-9, monday through friday? nevermind, i'll ask you tonight at practice :)

  2. i forgot the main reason i commented to begin with... the whole "we had to put a diaper on her... she hates our stinkin guts" hahahaha hilarious... and she does look cute but yeah, you should get her spayed!!
